specialized coaching program

Mind-Body Wellness for Busy Professionals: Elevate Your Life in 12 Weeks

Unlock Your Full Potential, Reclaim Your Well-Being, and Thrive in Your Busy Life

Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck, Unhealthy, and Overwhelmed?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been searching for a solution to reclaim your health, overcome burnout, and find balance in your demanding life. You’re not alone – many driven individuals like yourself face similar challenges while juggling the responsibilities of work and personal life.

The Struggle is Real: Weight Management, Burnout, and Emotional Turmoil

Are you struggling to manage your weight despite trying various diets and exercise routines? Do the pressures of your professional life leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and on the brink of burnout? Are you battling emotional instability, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs that hold you back from unleashing your full potential?

It’s Time to Take Control and Embrace Your Transformation

I understand the unique challenges that busy professionals and entrepreneurs face in prioritizing their health and well-being. As a Nutrition and Mind-Body Transformation Coach with a background in chemistry, I have helped numerous individuals like you break free from the shackles of unhealthy habits and achieve lasting positive changes in their lives.

I am Fabrizio. I can help you with unlocking your life.

As your health and wellness coach, specializing in nutrition and with a strong background in physical activity as a personal trainer, I will provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. Together, we will address the root causes of your challenges, create sustainable lifestyle changes, and cultivate a positive mindset that empowers you to thrive. Through my expertise, corporate experience, compassion, and unwavering support, I will be your partner on this transformative journey, cheering you on every step of the way.

Fabrizio Micciche, Ph.D.
ICF-ACC, NBC-HWC Executive Health Coach | Nutrition Specialist | Personal Trainer

Introducing the Transformational Mind-Body Wellness Program

Imagine waking up every day with boundless energy, mental clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Picture yourself feeling confident in your body, effortlessly managing stress, and approaching challenges with newfound emotional resilience.

With my 12-week Transformational Mind-Body Wellness Program, you can turn this vision into reality. This comprehensive and personalized coaching journey is designed to address the root causes of your struggles, equipping you with the tools and mindset needed to embrace positive change.

What You’ll Experience in This Program

Your Journey Begins Now

I believe in the power of transformation, and I’m committed to guiding you every step of the way. However, I have limited spaces available for this exclusive program to ensure each client receives personalized attention and support.

Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity. Take the first step toward your transformation by booking a free consultation today. Let’s chat about your goals, challenges, and aspirations. Together, we’ll create a roadmap to unlock your full potential for optimal health and well-being.

Are you ready to embrace your transformation and live life to the fullest?

Click the button below to book your free consultation and take the first step toward your transformational journey.

Your Investment

Investing in your health and well-being is a decision that will bring immeasurable returns in every aspect of your life. After all, health is wealth! The Transformational Mind-Body Wellness Program is a high-value, personalized coaching experience designed to empower busy professionals like you to overcome weight challenges, break free from burnout, and cultivate emotional resilience.

Your investment in this transformative journey is a commitment to yourself, a promise to unlock your full potential, and a step towards lasting positive change. The value you’ll gain from this program extends far beyond the 12 weeks – it’s an investment in a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled future.


Mind-Body Wellness for Busy Professionals: Elevate your life in 12 weeks!

Choosing the Transformational Mind-Body Wellness Program means embarking on a 12-week journey of empowerment, growth, and positive change. As a busy professional or entrepreneur, you can expect a highly personalized coaching experience that addresses your specific health and well-being goals


3x €670

I offer the opportunity to opt for a payment plan with a little extra charge.

Limited Spots Available

To ensure the highest level of attention and support for each client, I’m offering only a limited number of spots for the Transformational Mind-Body Wellness Program. As a nutrition and mind-body transformation coach, I believe in providing personalized care and guidance to every participant, and that’s why I’ve kept the program exclusive. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your spot and embark on your transformational journey. Take action now to book your free consultation and reserve your place in this life-changing program. Seize this moment to prioritize your well-being and create the life you truly desire.

Reserve your spot in this transformative journey

Frequent Asked Questions

The major difference between therapy and life coaching is the focus of the work: therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing, while life coaching focuses on setting and achieving goals.

When to see a coach

  • You want to get ‘unstuck’ and set goals you actually want achieve,
  • Stop unhelpful habits and replace them with healthy alternatives or when you feel like your life is on autopilot
  • Yo want to challenge yourself or break out of your comfort zone
  • Something is missing and you need that extra inspiration to piece your puzzle together
  • You want to hold yourself more accountable, whether in your personal or professional life

When to see a therapist

  • You want to heal from past hurts or trauma
  • You struggle with interpersonal relationships
  • You are experiencing relationship issues
  • You experience mental health symptoms that cause distress in your life
  • You need support navigating emotions

The frequency of our sessions is strongly linked to the nature of goals, what you would like to achieve, and when you would like to achieve them. We will address this point during our initial consultation.

At our core, we believe in the power of accountability when it comes to achieving remarkable results. While every individual’s journey is unique, our coaching program is designed to empower and guide you toward your desired outcomes. By committing to the process and taking consistent action, you can expect transformative changes in various aspects of your life.

The results you can expect will be influenced by your commitment, engagement, and willingness to embrace personal growth. As you hold yourself accountable and actively participate in the program, you’ll experience positive shifts in your mindset, habits, and overall well-being. Our aim is to empower you to unlock your full potential, cultivate lasting change, and create a life that truly reflects your aspirations.

Coaching is about guiding you to make changes and how to reach your goals. I will walk side by side with you during the process but I expect you to take accountability to execute on actions. At the end of every session, we will agree on specific activities and actions tailored to your needs, goals, lifestyle, and time.

It can happen that you may need to cancel or reschedule a session due to illness or other unforeseen events. As long as you let me know with at least 24 hours of advance notice, there is no fee for canceled or rescheduled sessions. With less than 24 hours’ notice, cancellations or no-shows are counted regular session.

The content of every session will be strictly confidential. There are only a couple of exceptions to this: I have reason to believe that a client has a concrete plan to harm himself or herself or to cause harm to someone else. Under these circumstances, I am legally required to share the minimum information needed to keep that client (or intended target of harm) safe.